all postcodes in ML7 / SHOTTS

find any address or company within the ML7 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML7 5AA 0 55.802964 -3.824359
ML7 5AB 1 55.800461 -3.823039
ML7 5AD 0 55.799126 -3.824014
ML7 5AE 0 55.799947 -3.823797
ML7 5AF 0 55.7997 -3.824711
ML7 5AG 0 55.800522 -3.823824
ML7 5AH 0 55.800556 -3.833031
ML7 5AJ 0 55.799812 -3.832294
ML7 5AL 0 55.79944 -3.833697
ML7 5AN 0 55.799405 -3.835434
ML7 5AP 0 55.798726 -3.833376
ML7 5AQ 2 55.801333 -3.829484
ML7 5AR 0 55.797886 -3.835458
ML7 5AS 0 55.798355 -3.837187
ML7 5AT 0 55.799088 -3.838051
ML7 5AU 0 55.799871 -3.837977
ML7 5AW 0 55.79919 -3.834818
ML7 5AX 2 55.800548 -3.836541
ML7 5AY 0 55.800175 -3.837433
ML7 5AZ 0 55.79959 -3.836926